Thursday, August 30, 2012

The I Do Project: So Tell Me What’s your Love Language?

What do I really know about love and romance? 

No matter where I am, who I’m with or what I do; the past months have been many talks about love, relationships, proposals, engagements and weddings. I’m not sure what caused this, I don’t know if it’s me who’s attracting this conversations and consultations or if people just think it’s easy to talk to me about these topics. I’m lead to wonder; when people look at me what do they see? Do they think I’m a hopeless romantic (though I’d like to tweak this phrase a little and make it sound more like me, Ms.Positivity, so I’m saying “hopeful” romantic,yes! and yah, kumocorny na ako ngayong, Oh!I think I’m getting a headache.hahaha)? Or, do they think I know a lot about love and romance? Or, do they just simply think I have good taste and sound head that’s why they come to me to ask for my opinion for their eventful romantic lives? The last choice is somewhat close to who I am so I choose to settle to believe this last option is what they see in me.

I haven’t been proposed to (at least not yet), but a few months ago a friend of mine asked me for help for his proposal plans to his girlfriend who’s also very close to me. When the request came I thought to myself, “I don’t have a personal reference for this; I’m sure this is going to be a challenge”, but I’m not backing down on this. I wanted to become a wedding planner some years ago and I thought maybe it’s not too late to resurrect that other fancy dream of mine. I’ve done weddings, no, not really planned a wedding but I am really hands-on in helping some of my friends prepare for their weddings, several times I’ve been involved in talks with several different suppliers for several-different-friends-wedding. But proposals, this is the very first time I’m doing this so I thought I need to do a little research. To make sure the couple, not just the girlfriend, will like the proposal I have in mind.

My research took me as far back as Personality Theories 2 in College to the topic; The Five (5) Love Languages by Gary Chapman. According to Gary Chapman, there are 5 types of love languages; Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. College friends and classmates I don’t know if you still remember this but I have always kept this at a special folder in my head, it always comes in handy every time a friend would complain to me and say “hayyy!naiinis na talaga ako!hindi ko talaga maintindihan (si girlfriend,si boyfriend, si husband or si wife)".

Many a time I’ve said, “the reason why many relationships end is because people speak in different love languages”; this means a gesture of love for someone may not mean the same for the other, thus, making the other person showing the affection feel unappreciated and the other person “supposedly receiving the affection” feel taken for granted. Most people comes back and forth with this same routine trying to do the best they can in making their partners feel loved, important and wanted (but) according to the terms of how they want to show love and affection, yet become unsuccessful and most times end-up with a broken relationship. And then the questions; “what did I do wrong? I gave my all, was it not enough?”

Well maybe it was or maybe wasn't. Really I don’t have the answer. But here, I’ll try to offer you some help. Maybe you’ll find the answer to your questions here. This would help you understand how you love and wants to be loved, and how your partner loves and wants to be loved. Then from there make the necessary adjustments. Take the test to understand your love language; you can do this together like some sort of an activity, a detour from your usual dinner and movie date; a bonding moment to get to know each other better.

Now if you’re in a struggling relationship and it seem too corny for your taste or too offensive for your ego but then you’ve already tried everything and still nothing has changed, then I think it won’t hurt too much to take your egos to the ground, subject your ailing relationship to a personality love profile. You might be surprised what it can do. It might become your way to go to a happy relationship. Ummm, I sounded like a cheesy romantic movie. I hate myself! Can I redeem myself? On second thought, just try to think it wasn’t me being cheesy, ok? Anyways, to take the test click here. Good luck and have fun.*wink,wink*

I took the test myself the second time I took it; the first was in college when this was introduced to us, the second is for this blog and my result is consistently pegged in the Quality Time profile (that one below are my test results). Honestly, I need not take the test, I have known long before that’s my love language. I’m literally the kind who will cross the ocean for you, who’ll climb a tree and swing rope-to-rope (are the lines familiar? sing with it. hehe) just to be with the important people in my life.

When I was new in Manila and friends would tell me they’ll be here for a few days to attend to work concerns I’d always find time to meet with them. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a day or for an hour for as long as I’d see a familiar face. I would willingly travel the extremes of the north and the south even if they’d say “malayo ata sayo Mai” or they’d say “Mai,hindi ko alam kung san to I can’t give you directions”,my usual answer; “stay there I’ll find you.” Sure we text or call each other, but it’s still different when you get to see the people you really care about, an hour spent truly makes a difference.=)

I also took the test for the Apology Language Profile I got curious since we only had the Five Love Language in college. I was actually thrilled while taking the test because I wasn’t really sure what my Apology Language would be. I did not read the 5 apology language profile before taking the test too to avoid manipulation tendencies. After checking the result, I was surprised to find out the result is solidly pointing to the apology language that is very familiar to me. Yes, that’s me I want a straight forward talk, no blaming game, no lying, no trying to make me believe a different truth because I’m not naïve and I’m not stupid!Remember that!Awww,ohh…Sorry, I was carried away.hahaha. But really, some truths really hurt and would take all the wits out of you, but nothing is more painful than being lied to. So now you know me. What about you? I’d like to get to know you too. Tell me your Love Language or Apology Language so I’d know how to better deal with you. See, I told you this is going to be fun.=)

Hooo!!!Wow! This post is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, did you feel it? It was running smooth at the start, and then suddenly went a wrong turn before it ended. Hmmm, sounded like a relationship headed for a bad break-up doesn’t it?

But relationships don’t have to be like that…Ohhh, that phrase right there? That’s a prelude to my next post, expect to read more topics related to this but don’t worry the next articles won’t have the same whirl-windy feeling, it won’t be as complicated trust me. I’m excited to share great articles with youuuu…so stick around!*wink,wink!=) 

Speak your love language but don’t forget to learn to understand mine (no, not exactly my love language I mean your partner’s love language, what am I saying…?*blush*…) And together, we walk to discover and renew love through this love language journey.

Great life, great love, rediscover love.=) 

Live Life!




Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Advocacy: Let’s Talk About Garbage and Those Little Packets

Almost a month ago after the flooding from the monsoon rain and I still often find me in deep contemplation about the things I can do as an individual to somehow help create change in my own little ways.

I’m NOT your most makabayan at makakalikasan kind of girl, I don’t try to project myself that way. Besides, I’m quite certain somehow in my own mindless ways I have sure contributed in pushing Mother Earth to destruction ― I’m trying to internalize the intensity of the emotion of what I just said and I can feel it’s a sad thought; it’s mind-boggling. Can you feel or somehow imagine what I feel? I can taste the bitter truth, I hope you can too.

Ohh! Hold on, don’t be scared I’m not going to teach and preach or jump on the blame wagon here. I don’t need to do so as I assume all of you who accidentally tripped or was-forced to be here in my blog site are all intelligent and responsible individuals. That being said only means we need not be told as we carry in our heads a very good sense of judgment, don’t we? So, don’t worry I’ll try not to bore you, so just stick with me, will you?=)

I just want to share a few realizations I had as I was about to refill a packet of dishwashing liquid to my used dishwashing liquid bottle. Ok, after complementing your intelligence and good judgement you’re free to laugh at me for having called out profound thoughts while doing such a menial thing. But another option is to hold-up laugher for later until I’m done with my explication. Whatever the decision I’d appreciate if you’d stay with me, I promise not to waste your time.

So, the meritorious thought occurred to me through an innocent dishwashing liquid bottle looking idly at me. Right, the situation is really silly but here goes.

Call me obsessive compulsive but there are things that I do which I want done a certain way. My illogical self prefers sachets and small packets of anything for use for cooking, for bathing, for housekeeping; basically for everything. It gives me a feeling that what I’m using is fresh, new and more effective. I can’t even remember the last time I bought a bottled shampoo and conditioner; I always buy those in sachets as I feel their scent is more lasting when they’re used fresh from a packet as compared to the bottled shampoo or conditioner that’s sitting exposed in the bathroom for a few weeks or months. Even my cleaning essentials; detergent, fabric conditioner, beaching agent, dishwashing liquid, glass and furniture cleaner I buy in small sachets. I want my condiments for cooking and food products in packets too, though this one is more reasonable. I live on my own so naturally I won’t be able to consume milk, sugar, seasonings, etcetera, etcetera in just a few days. And if it’s food, it’s really advisable that they’re served and prepared fresh; even my pepper corn I want freshly cracked, so...

Can you now see where I’m going with this? Well, let me take you where my point is. The obvious is clearer now. Garbage. A single worded cause of disaster.

[1] “From flooding to dengue, from polluted rivers and creeks to mountains of trash, from the unnecessary death of fishes that accidentally swallowed plastic bags in the seas to global warming, garbage is the common denominator,”- Environment Secretary Ramon Jesus Paje (On his interview with The Philippine Daily Inquirer on August 16, 2011)

(This photo is from the Philippine Daily Inquirer from the same article cited below )

With my preamble-ing, I think it’s obvious to you how garbage becomes the subject of this topic. So, it occurred to me. Since when did I get to the habit of buying all these sachets? And, how come I choose not to realize that every emptied packet is an addition to the garbage I throw away?

Then another thought. The trouble is, sometimes tragedy is relative to some people. That means if bad things happen to others, it’s alright so long as it doesn’t happen to them. And most times this cause us not to feel responsible for the tragedies of the world ― or of the flooding during typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng, Sendong, the monsoon rain and all the other floodings that happened in the past. It’s easy to wash-off guilt and even social and environmental responsibilities by simply saying “I throw my garbage at the right place all the time”. But is it enough that we segregate, that we throw our garbage at the right place? Yes, we send out our help, donating used clothes, food, voluntary works; we do all the necessary efforts to send and get help, but are these enough?

According to Ms. Emy Aguinaldo, executive director of the National Solid Waste Management Commission to the same interview at the Philippine Daily’s, “a single resident produces an average of 0.7 kilogram of waste a day, about “130 percent higher” than the global average of 0.3 kg per person per day”. That sounds a lot to me, does it to you? According to the same interview 16 percent of the total garbage from Metro Manila is plastic; plastic which we excessively produce, mindlessly use and carelessly throw away, plastic which would take a lifetime to decompose and would require millions of money should it go through decomposing procedures ― money which we could use for more important aspects in nation building. This could lead us to the never ending blaming game where the only perpetrator we see is the government, enough blaming the government! Everyone is at fault. And it’s about time we make a stand for humanity, for Mother Earth, for ourselves, for everybody else.

I hope this is not too late a realization I have stumbled upon. I’m sure I’m not alone with the kind of disorder I’m breeding, having said that means there are several of us who’re contributing to the 16 percent of plastic garbage collected every day. We have to stop. Let’s try to re-think our options before grabbing those little packets from the grocery stand. Before we take them to our shopping carts, let’s think first; is it more nature friendly if we get the bottled shampoo and conditioner? Is it more nature friendly if we get the one in the glass container for the soy sauce and vinegar instead of getting the plastic bottle or the one’s in the packets; is it more nature friendly if we get the bigger bags of detergent powder instead of throwing away several smaller sachets of the same product?

I know we are conditioned to consume and buy different things, sometimes even to buy things for our “perceived” but more likely illogical needs. We have become such irrational consumers who entrusted so much of everything that we need to whatever is available in the market which our money can afford for us to have and buy. But I believe beneath our hard-skulls and clouded logic is a real human being who truly cares for Mother Earth. Every one of us aspires to be able to do meaningful acts in his lifetime ― this is not a-hope, this is a statement of genuine trusts to the goodness and the intelligent judgement of people. So much had already happened to the world, to our country. It’s about time that we become involved in making a change. Let’s make it our personal mission, our purpose in making life better and safer not for a few but for every Filipino.

With this realization I’d like us to make a pact. Let’s try to make intelligent decisions. Little as it may seem, I’m sure will make a big difference. Let’s try the more logical view of things. A lot of us will surely benefit. On my next visit to the grocery I’ll get the bottled shampoo and conditioner to replace my beloved freshly opened shampoo and conditioner from the sachet, I’ll take the larger bags of my other purchases too so I don’t have to throw away plastics very often. I hope you’d do the same logical assessment when you’re shopping for your household needs. I would appreciate if you’d honour our pact even when I’m not looking, even when no one is looking. I need you to agree with me on this.

Again I’m not your makakalikasan and makabayan kind of girl nor am I playing a hero. But I’m a girl hoping to help save the world one sound thought at a time. I need you with me in this cause. One-arm-reach-one. Give me your hand and let’s work as one.

We only have one shot to life and this is a rare opportunity for another chance to make a difference. Let’s take this shot and make this count.

Life is a challenge but we’ll survive it. We always do. Let’s savour life’s bitter sweet taste it will make us appreciate whatever the future brings.=)

Live Life!


P.S.: This is not a sponsored blog entry

P.P.S.: I did not do research as to whether plastic bottles thrown away in less frequency as compared to sachets are cheaper in production and if it would contribute to lessen the load of garbage in a per day basis. I’m just using plain logic in writing this entry. If I turn out to be mistaken, I would appreciate if you let me know.

You might also be interested to read on a related topic from another blogger on his entry: Does “tingi” or plastic sachet packaging really benefit the Filipino masses?  

Citation:  [1] The Philippine Daily Inquirer: Metro Manila produces a fourth of Philippine garbage

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

If it’s Love:Morning Reverie (courtesy to the song that woke me up today) ♥

The morning is cold. The earth’s temperature has dropped I think after the many days of raining we still did not get enough sunlight to warm the earth; I reached for my blanket, ohh, I love its warmth, it’s heaven. Immediately, I’m back to sleep. A few moments later, something calls me from my sleep. I’m awaken by hmmm, what is this scent? Ohh, vanilla, the scent of vanilla oil from my oil burner is touching my nose. I open my eyes, looked outside my window through my curtain still lying in bed. Ohh, it’s morning but it’s still dark outside.

Then my phone’s alarm rings, a signal for me to get out of bed. But instead of getting up, I listened to the sound coming out of it. My phone's alarm is set to default to my radio station Monster Radio Rx 93.1. Most times it’s Chico, Gino and Del of The Morning Rush show that wakes me up. Their voices and their laughter are the first sounds I hear every morning. But last night I set my alarm to random music so  this morning  I awake to this:

Train - If It's Love Official Music Video (This video is by youtube)

The stillness of the morning made me listen intently to the song and to the message it wants to get across.

♪♫ If it's love
     And we decide that it's forever
     No one else could do it better
     If it's love
     And we're two birds of a feather
    Then the rest is just whenever… ♪♫

It echoes my understanding of love. Yes, we fall that’s the romantic part. And there’s another part, the reassurance; we have to decide on it, stand on it, believe in it, fight for it, and win in it. It sounds hard work yes, but we can work to make it beautiful. And if it’s LOVE it should be enough to make us decide to do the works of making it last forever. Suddenly, it feels like Christmas. Sulking for not being able to fly to Boracay temporarily forgotten, I might as well relish this day.=)

This is going to be a great day for sure. ♪♫Love, love it’s enough forever, Love,love…♪♫=)

♪♫ Love, love
     Got to have something to keep us together
     Love, love
     That's enough for me…♪♫

Ohh, I have to rush. I have an event very early today. And ohhh,on second thought I just wanna say it still pains me that instead of taking a cab to the airport going to Boracay today, I’m taking a cab going to an event instead. Ohh my! my head hurts and I’m broken hearted.Arrrrr!!! But, well…love,love it’s enough for me. Wish me luck.=)

A very high spirited thought very early in the morning indeed. Ohh well, don’t mind me. Laters baby.*wink* =)

Live and fall in love! (hhhmmm, this sounded like a message to self.hahaha)

♪♫  Love, love
      That's enough for me…♪♫=)

Live Life!


P.S.At posting time,I'm taking a cab going to my event....I'll make this day a great day. ♪♫Love, love that's enough for me…♪♫=)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From Boracay to Bingo... (Eh...?)

I’m supposed to be done packing by now for my ultimate getaway to B-O-R-A-C-A-Y with my girlfriends you’ve met them, Hazel and Em. It’s almost a whole year preparation we did for the escape. And last month I have completed buying, shorts, tube tops, maxi and sun dresses, a few pairs of two-piece swimsuits, a bag with matching slippers; making sure everything is within the same colour spectrum so it’s easy to mix and match, and so everything is colour coordinated. I’ve worked out for several months too, aiming for no less than a Boracay worthy body. And then the same week I completed my purchase; an officemate delivered dreadful news to me. We have an event on the same day I’m flying out of Manila. Apparently, the event which I thought will be scheduled at the end of the month was scheduled earlier falling on the same day my Boracay vacay start; just my luck. Ohh, I can’t breathe….

All the colours from my face disappeared. The announcement was heartless. I wanted to die that instant. I wanted to protest; but instead I managed to say “alright” flash a blank smile and I sulk in silence. There’s nothing I can do about it, doing events is my job and no one in the office can or should do it but me. Until now the girl in my head still feels she’s a receiver of an unfair treatment, again she’s acting on me. With her arms on her waist stamping her feet on me determined to break the yellow slippers she’s wearing, her yellow and blue two-piece bikini reflecting her fury, her anger now more intensed as the hour gets closer. She presses her unending tirade at me every time she gets the chance; blaming me for not filing a leave early enough.

It’s not easy being away from home and being able to have family visits and friends meet-up really helps me get my balance. And these girls; these girls really are my sunshine, my angels, and my anchor. And with our getaway being cancelled means I’ll have to go through the rest of the year going crazy when I’m going crazy. It’s a good thing I’m done with my lunacy phase. Otherwise, I would be giving everyone a hard time. Dealing with me would be like dealing with someone from another planet. Ohh, well that’s the closest I can describe it. hahaMaybe Boracay is not for us for now. Hazel and Em couldn’t make it either. For whatever reason, all three of us had to suddenly deal with work schedule we can’t compromise with. But, how can we complain when it’s our job that makes us capable in spending for all these vacation and out of town trips. Sometimes, you just have to choose to give-up leisure for work, we have long resigned it’s the better way of seeing our tragic case; though, we still often say “I still want to go…”.sigh. Well, maybe next time. With better weather condition and with a work schedule that cooperates with our vacation schedule.So, it’s a long weekend, and with the Boracay vacay called off. I had to call for Ms. Spontaneous in me. I can’t just sit and sulk forever. Besides, after the tension we had to face the previous week, all the raining and typhoon, the no weekend rest,  the difficulty of going to and from work every day after the flooding causing heavier traffic that takes away longer resting time for commuters — I just feel that I need to have a well deserved physical, mental and emotional rest. And no I don’t mean sleep. I can have enough of it anytime but it’s not what I want at the moment.I was thinking, fun and excitement without having to leave Manila and without spending too much. Then, light bulb moment. BINGO!=)

I’ve been wanting to play Bingo for a long time. There’s a thrill in it that I can’t describe, though the only time I played bingo was during school events. So, I talked some friends to it and everyone who heard my silly idea actually liked it and wanted to join and jump with me and in my craziness. Haha. And then my friend Jem, a smart girl;  no, not at all as crazy as I am, but was equally as eager as I am to play bingo and really followed through with my crazy thought agreed to go on a bingo girl-bonding-date with me. So, we scheduled our bingo date. I’m not surprised though for her to be as eager since she is also as outgoing as I am. It’s just that the idea is just unlikely for the both of us to explore. We usually go out to have dinner or coffee or watch a movie or go for a food trip; but bingo...?


No matter how absurd it is, we went ahead to Mega Mall on the assigned date, to do what? Shopping? No, of course not! The mall runs a sale for the long weekend but we were not interested we never even bothered to even check what’s on sale. We intentionally went to go bingo! Initially, I wanted for us to try at Resorts World but then decided against it as we were both inexperienced. We didn’t really want us both to look ridiculously dumb; though we already are, as it is. hehe

So, after we had our late lunch and little chit-chat. We went ahead to Bingo Bonanza. I talked to the officer at the counter informing him it’s our first time to play, asking him to orient us how it’s done. And then the moment he gave us our bingo cards Jem and I looked at each other and we begin to laugh uncontrollably as if we were possessed by some lunatic, unable to put into words why we’re so excited, giddy in fact; aware that what we are doing is not very Jem and Mai thing but we’re doing it and we’re letting ourselves loose to this bizarre choice of “fun”.

Once we were seated, I observed we looked incongruous with most of the people inside the room. Most of them old people, but I think they are those who are still in search and who still wants to participate in the enjoyment and whatever excitement life can offer to them. And then there’s another group of friends, I think they’re a little older than Jem and I; and I suspect, just like us they are also trying it out for kicks.

My reverie was interrupted by a staff who attended to us to explain the mechanics of the game further. During the entire time he’s explaining I’d interrupt him by raising both my hands announcing Bingo!!! Then, Jem and I would laugh all excited. haha, Then when he’s almost done explaining he said “Ma’am pag malapit na po kayong bomingo, sumigaw po kayo ng Bingo! kase di po kayo mapapansin pagtinaas nyo lang yung kamay nyo, ma si-slipper kayo”(Slipper meaning, unable to call “bingo!!!” at the last announced number disqualifying your winnings. O, ha! May natutunan ako.hahahaha ). And I answered, “sige kuya yan lang naman po ang gusto kong gawin, yung sumigaw ng Bingo!!!”, then we laughed again.

My supportive girl, Jem.=)

The closest Jem and I got to winning was 2 numbers away from exclaiming bingo!!!But we both think I gave all the Bingo Bonanza staff a headache as I kept raising my hand announcing bingo, though intended for just the two of us to hear. haha (I think I’m the only makulet guest they ever had in there). To add to my rowdy enthusiasm, Jem and I excitedly played a special game which we’re not supposed to play with the cards we purchased making all two or three staff to jump at their feet and rush to our table saying “Ma’am, maghunusdili kayo, mamaya pa po yang nilalaro nyo.”, Ohh my!, can it be more embarrassing. But, still we ended up laughing at ourselves, obviously we don’t really know what we’re doing. Haha. Ohh, by the way forgive our photos it's not allowed to take photos inside so we went sneaking with taking photos via Jem's phone.So hush, hush alright? Pinky promise?*wink*hihi 

We ended the day exhausted. I never thought playing bingo can be very tiring. We were very competitive the whole time concentrating on our cards, we were laughing, we were noisy to think there were only just the two of us; other people were looking at us amazed at how bingo can make us very happy. And it never helped that our adrenaline wouldn’t come down and sit with us, they decidedly stayed above the ceiling the whole time. Whooo!!!, it felt like we went back and forth several times on a 800meter zipline ride(remembering my Cebu getaway last year) or being suspended in the air in a parasail ride(ß----- insert thoughts of Boracay here)  for 30mins(this is of course beyond average for a flight) I couldn’t decide which.


Beginners luck wasn’t on our side that night, so we have decided to cancel our promises of buying each other a pair of shoes should one of us win P10, 000 or taking me to Hong Kong should Jem win a P100, 000 or me sponsoring an overnight stay of us and her other guests in a hotel on her planned out of town beach wedding. But we vowed to use the marker we bought to the last ink drop to experience the same silly, absurd, crazy fun that only Bingo can give. Join us on our next bingo date! RSVP to me.hahaha, ohh, I’m not yet back to my less crazy self, pagbigyan nyo na. Hahaha.

That’s all for today. And hey! I’m not promoting gambling, we are just having fun.=)

So, stay happy. Let loose and be crazy

Live LiFe


P.S. Below are pictures of me and my College Barkada, I just miss them suddenly.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Advocacy: Anyone Can (One arm reach-one): A tribute to the Volunteers of the Monsoon Rain - August 2012

Kamusta ka na Pilipinas kong Mahal?

How are you guys? I haven’t written anything in a week. But it’s ok, I’m not at all frustrated. And no, this is not a writer’s block it’s too early for that. And, I did not go on a whole week vacation like the sun. In fact, what I did was far from going on a vacation at all. But no complains I enjoyed every minute of it.

The past week was a devastating catastrophe.
photos are from the Facebook Account of Victory Ortigas 

The horror of Typhoon Ondoy less than 3years ago is still fresh from the memory of its many victims, and just when most of us thought it was the worst, in comes Habagat. During Typhoon Ondoy the village where I live was also hit with flood, I’m just blessed to have been spared from all physical and material damage. Yet it made the non-stop rain of the monsoon rain very unsettling for me. I was worried, not for myself but for those who will be (or are) affected by the flood. Many are still recovering from the nightmares of Typhoon Ondoy ― then yet again, another fury of nature.

So I was gone for a while. I decided to use my writing time to respond to a more urgent  call. It was fulfilling.
(Some photos are by Ms. Ners Padua and from the Victory Ortigas Facebook Account, used with permission.)

The waiting for the rain to stop was tormenting. I wanted to help. I wanted to do something. But caution and safety was an utmost priority. So, I waited until it's safe. While waiting I tried to do what I can, blogging and Facebooking useful information. But it was just simply not enough. I know I can do more.

On Thursday, I decided to launch my own volunteer group; invited officemates and friends to join me in my cause. I’m glad a few responded. On Friday, I searched for organizations where we could volunteer, from all the big and known organizations to the small organized communities. But all of them had either enough volunteers or had already stopped or changed the course of their operation. Still I looked for other references and made a few calls until I found my answer.

I’ve gotten in touch with Victory Ortigas who gladly took us in. So, on Saturday we marched to their center with nothing but enthusiasm, undivided time and joy; totally embracing the opportunity of being able to help. Victory Ortigas is a Christian Denomination. Now that’s something I wouldn’t even try to touch — I’m afraid what little I know about them wouldn’t even be enough to give merit to what this church really is. So I’ll live it to you to get to know them (you may check them here). And I’ll live it to them to promote their mission.

But this is what amazed me. In my several posts about the monsoon rain I have included the line “One arm reach-one”, meaning to hold-out one arm to another one so that that arm would hold-out one arm to another one; in essence making us one in facing adversity.

I’m a Catholic and two of my invited friends Kathy and Jackie are also Catholics. And another one of my friends Jen, is INC (Iglesia ni Cristo) and we volunteered in a Christian Church. Indeed, one arm reach-one.

Truly, compassion knows no boundaries; it knows no social status, no degree, no age, no gender; not even race, faith or religious beliefs. Everyone can. Anyone can. In unity we can. We are Filipinos. And yes we are resilient to adversity. We may be separated by faith and religious beliefs but that shouldn’t divide us as a nation.

I encourage everyone to participate, to share whatever you can, whatever little you can in helping rebuild our communities; we will rise above this faster if we all do our part. The government is just one part of this nation and the bigger portion is “the nation”, “WE” the Filipino people. And it is OUR job to HELP fix our country. Let’s act! And let’s act now!

I dedicate this post to my friends who took the time to help in whatever way they can. I know my words are not enough to commend the nobility of their act.


Jaki. Most days before each week ends what we usually talk about is “San tayo sa weekend or let’s plan our next destination…”. But when I told her I’m volunteering she was as eager to join me as she would on my out of town trips and even helped in inviting for more volunteers. Thank you for taking the time, for adjusting your schedule to join me in this cause. A BIG THANK YOU to you.

 *Kathy and Jaki

Kathy. What I can’t forget about what she said when we were talking about volunteering is this, “Gusto ko talagang yang mga ganyan, magvolunteer. Ba’t di na lang ganon gawin natin para may meaningful activity naman tayo on weekends. Hindi yung gastos lang tayo ng gastos, mag-GK(Gawad Kalinga) tayo.” It was a clear message of the willingness to give more, to be more. What you did is a step towards that goal. You can be more. A BIG THANK YOU to you.

 (Some photos are from the Victory Ortigas Facebook Account, used with permission.)
*Jen with the Victory Ortigas Volunteers

Jen. For a long time I’ve been thinking why I see myself in her. And on Tuesday it was revealed. Resilience. She was stranded in her office for 3 days since Monday last week. Yet, when I called to check on her and hesitantly told her about my volunteering she automatically said YES to join me. What you did may pale from the more difficult task as moving people from their houses, but sending out food and clothing is equally as important. I salute you, for setting aside your own worries, your own fearful experience to be able to give to others who are more in need. You made me very proud. To a true compassionate woman, Kudos to you.

                                                                                (Photos are from the GK Facebook page and tagged photos to him by Angel Cleric and Met Dong-as) 
*Jam with the Gawad Kalinga Volunteers

Jam. He volunteered for Gawad Kalinga. You define the true meaning of volunteerism. He braved the strong rains and floods to fulfill his commitment to his cause. If that isn’t courage, I don’t know what is. You made a lot of people proud. From GPU, hats off to you brave man and to all the GK volunteers. 

The Men and Women of Victory Ortigas

An Out Pour of Blessings

The loads of groceries were delivered to the center almost every hour. (I’m just worried though with all the plastic bags used in packing the goods. I hope we can find a better and effective alternative)

photos are from the Facebook Account of Victory Ortigas 

Let's take care of each other. 

Live Life!


This is from a song sang in the service I have attended at Victory.

by Hillsong United

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God

***God is King. He is greater than all our troubles and worries.